YOMusic Extra Playlists

I am Molder

full package

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CD insert card
& label
01. 天使の笹焼き Tenshi No Sasayaki (2001)
Molder: synthesizer & rhythm programmings, arrangement.
Yeppie: synthesizer programmings, coda part arrangement, mix.

02. Song of Angel (2001)
Molder: synthesized strings melodies & arrangement, mix.
Yeppie: synthesizer & rhythm programmings, synthesized harp melody.

03. 天使の埋め気 Tenshi No Umeki (2001)
Molder: synthesizer & rhythm programmings, arrangement, mix.
Yeppie: synthesizer & pcm sound samples programmings.

04. 天使の栗鼠虎 Tenshi No Risutora (2001)
Molder: direction, rhythm programmings, arrangement.
Yeppie: programmings, mix.

05. 天使の泡汚取り Tenshi No Awa-Odori (2001)
Molder: rhythm programmings, arrangement.
Yeppie: programmings, arrangement, mix.

06. トイレの二足歩行 Toire No Nisoku-Hokoh (2001-2003)
Molder: programmings, arrangement. Yeppie: mix.

07. 裏〆太郎と音〆様のほにゃらら Urashimetaroh To Otoshime-Sama No Honyarara (2001-2004)
Molder: programmings, arrangement, mix.
Yeppie: synthesized ocean sound programming.

08. さ・く・ら Sa-Ku-Ra (2004)
Molder: programmings, arrangement, mix.

09. 家の雨漏れ Uchi No Amamore (2004)
Molder: programmings, arrangement, mix.
Yeppie: synthesized water drop sound programming.

I am Molder

All music by Molder
except 02, 04, 05 by Molder/Yeppie. ©2001-2004 Kobayashi Tatsuo/Yamaoka Yasuhiro.

Molder is my good friend. I used to teach him about personal computer things. He was very interested in DTM, I instructed him how to do it. These 9 files are the processes of his learnings.

Yeppie May/2008

Release date: 23.05.08